Sustainable growth report 2023
Sustainable growth report 2023
We believe digitalization is key in realizing our sustainable ambitions. Digital projects contribute to social, environmental and governmental topics, and therefore should be a continuous development. With our digital projects, we put our opportunities into practice. This means understanding what adds the most value and which solution directions work best.
Digital Ambassadors
To help us with these topics, we have our Digital Ambassadors; a group of enthusiastic seafaring colleagues who support us to discover new initiatives, validate roadmaps and solutions directions. It makes sure we focus on those topics that are most relevant.
IBA Project
In 2023 we worked on a Data Collection Platform, called IBA project, which is set up in addition to our digital logbooks for the fleet. The focus of IBA is to automate the data gathering onboard. Providing additional onboard and onshore insight into the health and performance of the equipment. Allowing better monitoring, signaling, and intervening. Having timely, accurate and complete data helps to reduce the lead time of technical incidents and facilitates a better dialogue between the onboard and onshore colleagues.
Data & Analytics
Setting goals, starts with a good understanding of the current state and this is no different for sustainability goals. In 2023 we have established a dedicated Data & Analytics team. This team is working on the development of applications and tools to smartly work with the collected data. We are now automatically gathering our data which allows us to get an objective view on our current state and define concrete goals for our sustainability efforts and measure our progress effectively.
Reliability and Maintenance
Improving the reliability of the fleet can be done in several ways. In 2023 we started to roll out project PriMa. In this project we aim to improve the reliability of our rotating equipment with regular vibration measurements, with the goal to detect failure of equipment before it happens, but also to extend the equipment’s lifetime where possible. When this lifetime can be extended by providing the correct maintenance and condition monitoring, we need less materials and less replacements activities. This contributes to reaching our sustainable growth targets. In 2023, we managed to complete this project on board of 12 ships already and the project will be further rolled out during 2024 and be completed in 2025.