Sustainable growth report 2023
Sustainable growth report 2023

We advocate a healthy lifestyle and work-life balance. To achieve this, we provide training and a variety of tools and support, if necessary. We measure and analyse the effect hereof.
We run a bi-yearly vitality program, for our office people, of which the last program was done in 2023. The program is performed by an external company, Active Living, and consists of an extensive questionnaire, a physical health check and the opportunity for lifestyle coach sessions. The coach helps to achieve personal goals and the improvement of the vitality of our colleagues. To those who joined one of the previous programs, changes and improvements could be compared.
Vitality coach
As part of our vitality program, we provide colleagues with the opportunity to receive guidance from a lifestyle coach. This includes a year of unlimited access to lifestyle coaching. The coaching covers a range of personal topics, such as healthy eating, stress management, and workload balancing. In 2023 nine colleagues took advantage of this opportunity.
Pulse survey
In 2023, two vitality pulse surveys were issued for our office people. This provided valuable insight into how our office people feel, how they experience their work-life balance and how they perceive their stress levels. The conclusions of these surveys are rather positive.
However, we are aware that we must continue investing in the vitality of our people ensuring similar or better results in the future. For individuals that are off-balance we offer a coach for support.
For our people working at the HR Marine department and our Manning Agents we performed a workload and employee satisfaction survey twice. Based on the feedback we have performed several actions. Examples are improved descriptions of work processes and we believe our new HR system Radiant Fleet will also contribute to this.
Many of our people enjoy being active in sports, for health purposes, having fun and bonding together. To support this, three times a week, sports moments are organised during lunch breaks. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, boot camps are organised, and on Thursdays people can join the running team. The running team also participates in the Bruggenloop and Rotterdam Marathon. Adding on to this, every year, there is a possibility to join the ski trip. Nevertheless, for those working on our ships, staying fit and healthy can be a lot more challenging and we take the vitality of our seafarers very serious. Healthy lifestyle workshops were being organised during two rating conferences, and taking care of yourself is being widely promoted. In addition, our seafarers also demonstrate their desire to contribute to their health through their own initiatives.
Gym equipment is available on the majority of our ships, and in some cases, even the area that used to serve as a smoking room has been converted into a gym, for example, onboard Coral Fraseri and Coral Furcata.

We have a long-term partnership with International Food Services (IFS) for onboard food supply. With their profound passion for food and people, they have been serving our cooks and ships for over a decade. In addition to food supply, they offer training for cooks and conduct onboard audits. They have also developed the IFS Cooking App, which incorporates a food monitoring system. This provides our cooks and captains with insights into the nutritional values of their food and helps monitor food waste. For inspiration, the app includes a comprehensive online recipe book.
At the Rotterdam office, the ‘AV Lunch Cafe’ offers hot meals four times a week, and on Wednesdays, a vegetarian dish is provided. Salads, fruits, and dairy beverages are provided complimentary.
Psychological safety
Feeling safe and being psychologically safe, both play a crucial role in one’s well-being. We underscored this on several occasions throughout the year. Special workshops on Mental Health were held at the rating conferences in Indonesia and Manila. These sessions empowered our people to voice their discomfort while acknowledging individual differences.
The workshops also covered how to offer support when witnessing someone in discomfort or experiencing harassment. We provided information about available resources such as our ISWAN membership and the services of our confidential counsellor, both internal and external. This information can also be found on our internal website, eVentmast.
In our online meeting, Ship & Shore Connect, the topic was also discussed. While outlining our DEI ambition, our CEO emphasised the importance of feeling safe at all times and reiterated the available help lines. The Sounding boards for DEI also provide a platform to discuss this topic and address any concerns colleagues may have observed.
Sustainable employability
In 2023 three sustainable employability workshops were held and attended by a mix of seafaring and office colleagues. These workshops support our people in building a healthy awareness and responsibility for their career and continuous (personal) growth. Topics covered in these workshops include vitality, work-life balance, finances, motivation and engagement.
The feedback on these workshops was positive, and our colleagues believe that these knowledge and skills acquired contribute to their sustainable employability.
It is our goal to have zero cases of misconduct. In the office, we measure this, anonymously, via our pulse survey. The question is included: did you experience any form of unwelcome behaviour? This relates to aggression, bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment or any other form of unwelcome behaviour. At the May survey. 9 colleagues reported this and it was reported in the September survey by 6 colleagues.
There was zero misconduct reported via the confidential counsellor. In 2024 we can register misconducts for the fleet in our HR system Radiant Fleet and will also issue a pulse survey.