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Anthony Veder believes in taking responsibility for her employees, customers and the environment. We pursue sustainable growth for our company and our customers. We do this by educating our employees and offering sustainable innovations to strengthen our customer’s supply chain.

Sustainable Growth Report 2023

We are proud on the publication of our Sustainable Growth Report 2023. It is the fifth report on Anthony Veder’s Sustainable Growth and we see the landscape on reporting sustainability is changing fast.





Our sustainable strategy is based on the ESG standards which stand for: Environment, Social and Governance. These can be classified in the following three areas where we can make a difference:

  • Care for Environment
  • Care for People (Social)
  • Care by Governance

In order to fulfil our sustainable strategy it is inevitable to do this in partnership with our stakeholders like our customers, manning agents, suppliers and authorities.

To measure the impact from our activities on people and the environment we have set clear targets and based this on the ESG selected a baseline in our ESG roadmap until 2035.


UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Our sustainable strategy is designated to support our business strategy and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

By analysing the SDGs we can contribute significantly on at least eight on these.

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EcoVadis specializes in sustainability assessments, and rates companies based on their sustainability performance. Within these assessments, 21 indicators are distributed across four themes, environment, labour & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

Besides the score, EcoVadis also provides us with recommendations on where we should pay more attention next time and why certain answers to questions in the questionnaire were rejected. This provides us with clarity on where AV needs to improve, which can help us become more sustainable.


In recent years our score has improved each time, which means that each year we become more sustainable and thus move towards achieving our goals.

Based on the score achieved, a medal is awarded, and since we have achieved a silver badge for the third time in a row, the goal for next year is a gold medal.

Check out our scores over the years:



Together we can make a difference

We can only realize sustainable growth if we work closely together with our partners, making a partnership more than just a formal arrangement. They can increase the impact that we make by looking at the cooperation and see where we can make a difference together.

Therefore, we need to collaborate and build partnerships, whether it is with our customers, suppliers, manning agents, associations, or public authorities.



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