Sustainable growth report 2023
Sustainable growth report 2023

Reflecting on 2023, I am proud on our many accomplishments. We have a strong company culture, supported by the 4 C’s: Courageous, Craftsmanship, Connect and Commitment. Our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy continues to evolve, becoming more concentrated and ambitious.
We have made significant progress in integrating our sustainability targets and strategy into the OGSM platforms that we use for execution hereof in our day-to-day operations.
This report gives you a detailed look at what we have achieved on our ESG journey and what we need to work on. Out of the many topics covered in this report, I will highlight a few in this introduction.
Everybody home safe
Safety is the backbone of our organisation; a safe operation is our license to operate. In 2022 we were proud on our achievement of 475 days without a Lost Time Incident, in 2023 we marked another significant milestone of 362 incident-free days.
Moreover, safety is more than just numbers, we care for our people by our dedication to ensure a safe workplace. With use of our ‘everybody home safe’ program we are working to strengthen our safety culture day by day.
Better Together
We are a diverse organisation and are committed becoming more inclusive. Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) ambition is a very significant first step. The core hereof is the recognition of diverse teams fostering a welcoming and respectful work environment.
It is essential that everyone feels included and respected, as we strive for a sense of belonging without any exclusions, with equal opportunities for all.
We believe digitalisation is key to become more efficient, more productive and have happier people. This year has seen many digital improvements such as the onboard digital logbooks and BASSnet upgrades, reducing the work load on board and in the office.
We also introduced new HR systems, HiBob for the office and RadiantFleet for our crew, which have led to much-needed efficiencies. We set up a dedicated data and analytics team working on a central data architecture and automating exhaustive manual processes.
Net-Zero emissions
In 2022 we introduced our very ambitious net zero emissions target for 2035. In 2023 we mainly worked on implementing the EU-ETS regulations and further detailing our net zero roadmap, preparing to take actual reduction measures in 2024.
Special Projects
At the start of 2023, we proudly imported one of the first LNG cargoes into Germany through our charter with Deutsche ReGas by three of our ships shuttling to the port of Lubmin. We performed close to 500 LNG ship-to-ship transfers without any incidents or harm to nature. An absolute record. Also, our newbuild Coral Evolution was launched at the shipyard in Korea, installed with the latest generation and cleanest dual-fuel engine available. Coral Favia has been modified for a new LNG bunker project in the Caribbean which is expected to start in 2024, servicing the latest cleanest cruise vessels running on LNG. It is this entrepreneurship and courage that makes our company great to work for.
As we look ahead, I am optimistic about the future. With your support and the collective dedication to making a difference, we will continue leading the way in sustainable shipping, setting new standards for our industry and beyond.
Thank you for being on this journey with us. Your unwavering support and commitment are highly appreciated.
I hope this report is insightful to read and gives a clear vision of how to navigate our future.
Jan Valkier
I am optimistic about the future. With your support and our collective dedication to making a difference, we will continue leading the way in sustainability, setting new standards for our industry and beyond.