Sustainable growth report 2023
Sustainable growth report 2023

It is vital that our colleagues consistently have the chance to learn and grow, both in their professional and personal lives. Training and development play a significant role in the ongoing career advancement of our people and support their craftsmanship. Thanks to a wide variety of training programs, we ensure that our colleagues have the opportunity to actively engage, thereby enabling them to perform at their optimum potential.
Training our Seafaring Colleagues
For our seafaring colleagues, our training program is much tailored to their rank to fulfil their development needs. We have organised the following trainings in 2023.
Leadership Program
For our top two highest-ranking positions, we have launched a new Leadership program. The first edition was held in November 2023 and is set to continue in the forthcoming years. This program is specifically designed to support and enhance the leadership skills of our Captains and Chief Engineers. As part of the training, colleagues from various office departments will participate and pair up with their seafaring colleagues.
Safety Leadership
The training is designed for our Safety Officers on board which is in general the Chief Officer. Besides training the Chief Officer we also train Second Engineers. They can support the Chief Officer in their responsibility as Safety Officer.
In 2023 we conducted a total of seven sessions of our Safety Leadership training. These sessions took place in various locations worldwide: Manila in the Philippines, Yogyakarta in Indonesia, Riga in Latvia and Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
The purpose of this training was to enhance leadership skills and safety knowledge for our safety officers, and we have observed a positive trend in this regard. During the training we discuss topics like our safety culture, incident investigation and cultural differences.
Since the start of this program in 2019 we have now successfully trained all the Chief Officers and a significant number of our second officers have also participated in this training. We are committed to continuing our Safety Leadership training for newly promoted colleagues and those who are new to our team. In addition, we will be organizing refresher sessions for safety officers who have participated in the training in the past.
Sea the Future online
In the year 2022, we decided to organise two online conference sessions. The goal of this conference was to connect with our seafarers and enhance their skills. The first session took place in November 2022, followed by a second edition in February 2023. For this 2-day online Officers Conference, titled “Sea the Future”, officers from all ranks who were on leave were invited to participate.
The conference included a basic leadership training module, which was based on the principles of Secure Base Leadership. In addition to the plenary session and the leadership training, the conference also offered a wide array of workshops. Participants had the opportunity to choose two workshops that they found interesting in advance. The online conference provided numerous useful tips that could be implemented onboard and incorporated into daily life.
Rating Conferences
In the year 2023, we held two rating conferences, one in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and the other in Manila, Philippines. The conferences featured workshops on a variety of topics: mental health, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, hand safety, and toolbox meetings. Prior to the Indonesian conference, a special training day was arranged for the Bosun and Cooks. Both conferences concluded in a delightful family gathering.
In Yogyakarta, the families of the ratings were invited to join in a day filled with team-building activities at the Borobudur, followed by a gala dinner in the evening, styled in traditional Javanese fashion.
In Manila, the conference concluded with a festive Christmas celebration, which took place after an enriching training day. The partners of the ratings and officers who were able to attend the conference joined in the celebration.
Like in previous years, we also invited apprentices in 2023 to join our vessels. Working together with the manning agents, we arranged briefing sessions to give them a preview of what life on board would be like before they officially joined. Throughout 2023, a total of 54 apprentices were given the chance to gain hands-on experience within our fleet.
Anthony Veder Trainings Passport (AVTP)
The AVTP was implemented in 2021 and is an essential element in the evaluation towards promotion. In this online tool competences and expectations required for promotion are described. These competences have been defined to ensure a uniform way of measuring across the fleet. Captains and Chief Officers are the assessors for deck officers and the Chief Engineer is the assessor for the Engine Room Officers. If an assessor logs in, a list of candidates will appear who are ready for an assessment. The content of this program is continuously in development to support the training needs of our junior officers.

Training our office colleagues
We provide a broad range of training opportunities for our office colleagues. There are mandatory internal and external training, depending on your role and department, which are outlined in a training matrix.
In addition to this, we encourage our people, with the support of their managers, to be aware of their training needs and identify areas they wish to develop. This approach ensures a more personalised and effective learning experience.
Management Committee training
In October 2023, the Management Committee participated in a two-day interactive culture session. On the first day, two external trainers delved into the Anthony Veder culture with the MC members. The aim was to define the desired culture and how it aligns with their leadership roles.
The following day, which happened to be Diversity Day, an external trainer educated us on Inclusive Leadership. We drew inspiration from the heart, head, hands, and habits of a leader. Additionally, we received practical tools on situational leadership to foster inclusivity within our teams.
DEI Ambition workshop
In February 2023, we conducted a DEI workshop with the Management Committee. The session was facilitated by an external DEI consultant. This workshop not only focused on our DEI ambition but also served as an enlightening session on the subject. During this interactive workshop, we articulated Anthony Veder’s vision and ambition for DEI, discussing how these principles will be seamlessly integrated into our daily operations.
Ultimately, if we aspire to successfully Navigate the Future, we must foster an environment where a diverse group of individuals can feel safe, represented, accepted, and heard.
Professional Program
For three consecutive years, we have been organizing the Professional Program. This program is accessible to all office colleagues and serves as an excellent platform for self-discovery and development, both on a professional and personal level. The 2023 version of the program commenced in September and concluded in November.
A diverse group of 10 colleagues from various departments took part in this program. The training sessions are designed to increase self-awareness improve performance, and further optimise collaboration with stakeholders. These competencies hold significant value within and beyond the boundaries of our company.
Time management
In 2023, we collaborated with an external party to facilitate a time-management training, which took two sessions. The sessions were designed to assist participants in organizing their tasks, leading to a more relaxed and less stressful work environment.
The training also aimed to enhance mental relaxation, not just in the workplace, but in general. As a result of these sessions, participants were able to work more effectively and efficiently, leading to a more enjoyable work experience.