Sustainable growth report 2023
Sustainable growth report 2023
Work has been done on specific projects that contributed or will contribute to reducing our emission.
Freshwater filtering systems
Currently 30% of the ships in our fleet have a filter drinking water system installed. As these were different systems, we investigated in 2023 which of the current systems would be best to implement. We selected the Hatenboer water treatment solution. This will be enrolled in the entire fleet. It will reduce the amount of bottled water that is used by our ships and as a result reduce the plastic waste onboard.
Ship Based Carbon Capture
When most energy savings measures on board would have been installed, and having used the full potential of fossil LNG as fuel on board, we need either low carbon fuels and/or ship-based carbon capture to reach our ambition of becoming net zero.
When using carbon-based low carbon fuels such as synthetic fuel s-LNG or e-fuel LNG a CO2 feedstock is required. This either could come from capturing the CO2 at land-based installations or from capturing the CO2 on board. When not used in fuels, the CO2 can be stored in depleted gasfields.
We take are part in two research projects, EverLoNG and LNGZero, both of which have the intended goal of being able to capture CO2 on board ships (CCS). Both projects are supported with funds from European and Dutch governments.
LNGZero is supported by the Dutch government and is a research project, looking solely at CO2, NOX and CH4 (methane slip) capture.
LNGZero is one of the pillars within the maritime masterplan (MMP). Other pillars are hydrogen and methanol-powered ships. The aim of the MMP is to have around 30 Dutch ships that can operate climate-neutral by 2030.
By mid-2024, MMP will enter into a new subsidy trajectory where applications can be submitted for demonstration projects, also known as MMP II. We assess equipping a ship from our fleet with a CCS installation and make use of a subsidy scheme like MMPII or similar.
CO2 capture rates can be up to 80% on board of an Anthony Veder vessel. In case of mixture of bio-LNG and fossil LNG net zero or even better can be achieved.
Ammonia Drive
To prepare for the future, and specifically one where ammonia as fuel has proved itself in reducing emissions, we are participating in the AmmoniaDrive project. The project focusses on a full ammonia combustion and herewith having a net zero potential, whereas with the current state of technology ammonia needs to be ignited with a significant amount of (fossil) MGO.
In this project the MGO is being replaced by hydrogen coming as a waste product from a fuel cell also running on ammonia, which is used for electric power generation on board. In the project a group of PhD students can rely on the support of the ‘user committee’, including participation of Anthony Veder.
We are specifically interested in the topics related to maintenance, safety and risks and the techno-economical aspect of the AmmoniaDrive system. The goal of the consortium is to raise the technical readiness level of the system to level 4 by 2028. After this an actual demonstration project on board may be initiated.

2 Stroke Dual fuel engine selected engine for Coral Evolution