Sustainable growth report 2023
Sustainable growth report 2023
Working in a productive workplace contributes to a healthy, happy environment and leads to a positive business impact. Digitization supports us in improving our work and efficiency through the implementation of new digital products and applications.
Digital Services
The Digital Services department plays an important role in improving a productive workplace. One of their projects contributing to this is called Effortless Admin. As part of this program, we kicked off with the Electronic Logbooks project in 2022 and selected NAPA as a partner.
The goal of this project is to reduce the administrative tasks on board and efficiently source, log and report our data onboard. Instead of filling in the information in different logbooks like bridge logbook, engine room logbook and cargo room logbook, they only need to fill it in once.
In 2020 we investigated the total number of administrative time spent onboard. This resulted in a measurement of 13,875 hours per vessel per year.
In 2023 the NAPA logbooks were implemented on 20 Anthony Veder owned vessels. This is 90% of our project scope. In 2024 NAPA will be implemented on two remaining ships, with this our goal will be reached. We decided that for our vessels nearing 25 years of age, we will not implement the electronic logbooks.
With the digitization of our logbooks, we have saved around 2,000 hours per vessel. Which means a reduction of 14% time spent on administration. So far, we have received a lot of positive feedback from our seafaring colleagues. And there is room for improvement to further decrease manual work.
The follow-up focus of the Effortless Administration program is to further automate the logbooks and reduce the voyage reporting effort and stock-keeping efforts onboard. The first automation round of the Engine Room logbooks has been completed with automatically pre-filling data. This saves 8,000 hours of manual administration across the fleet.