Jan Valkier named Harbour Personality of the Year 2019
Rotterdam, 14 January 2020
Monday evening 13 January Jan Valkier was officially named ‘Harbour Personality of the Year 2019’ (Havenman van het Jaar 2019) during the annual ceremony on board of the Smaragd. The honorary title was awarded by Frank de Kruif, chairman of the ‘Harbour Personality of the Year’ Foundation, in attendance by ‘Harbour Personalities’ of previous years.
According to the organization the award was granted for the significant fleet expansion the company realized in 2019. The year was marked by adding five LNG carriers to the fleet and tendering for several new LNG carriers with shipyards. Specialized in the transport of liquid gases, Anthony Veder plays a pioneering role in the distribution of LNG for ‘gas to power’ and as fuel for the shipping industry.
Jan Valkier says: ‘even though I received this award on a personal title, it feels as a huge acknowledgment for the efforts of our entire staff. As 39th ‘Harbour Personality of the Year’, I am very proud to receive this recognition. In this role I would like to seize the opportunity to promote the shipping industry and highlight important ongoing initiatives for sustainability and innovation within the sector.
For questions concerning our press releases contact:
Nynke de Bakker
Communications Manager
T: +31 10 400 4854
E: Communications Anthony Veder