Jan, 2nd Engineer and Steel, 3rd Engineer
Home > Noise Reduction

Quality of life on board improved by noise reduction

By Jan, 2nd Engineer and Steel, 3rd Engineer

Coral Patula used to be quite a loud vessel, you could see or “hear” the vessel approaching from shore. The silencer for auxiliary engine #1 was not working properly and this caused excessive noise from the exhaust pipe. Especially the low frequencies appeared to be amplified, similar to the sound which a helicopter makes.

Jan, 2nd Engineer and Steel, 3rd Engineer

This specific auxiliary engine was not allowed to run in the Rafnes bay area, the surrounding fjord was causing the noise to echo, which led to numerous complaints from the local inhabitants and shore personnel. Loading masters even reported that the vessel could be heard from the other side of the hills.

Luckily this is history now. Last year, when Coral Patula was being prepared for her new trade, silencers were added. With this addition, the noise level is reduced to a more than satisfactory level. The intake silencers for the ventilation improved the quality of life onboard as well. One could theoretically call someone next to the intake fans without causing any nuisance.

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