Meet our Colleagues
Meet Mykyta – 3rd Engineer
Can you introduce yourself?
Hi Dear colleagues and friends! My name is Mykyta Bykovets, I am a 3rd Engineer on Coral Lophelia. I have been working at Anthony Veder for 4 years! My first contract started on 10 August 2019 on the vessel Coral Medusa as an engine apprentice.
What do you like most about your work?
Anthony Veder develops the individuality and specialness in each person, which is something I have felt for 4 years. I was brought up and taught everything from the beginning and I am very happy and fulfilled to be part of a big family.

What do you value most about Anthony Veder?
There are many different nationalities working on the ships, which has a positive impact on the working process and the atmosphere of the team as a whole. I am always interested to listen and learn something new.
When a person faces a problem, you can ask for help from your colleagues. Each person has a different opinion and a different perspective on solving a problem, which positively influences the outcome of the issue.
What would you say to someone considering a career at Anthony Veder?
Well, join our company! The atmosphere on board is really positive. Everybody on board helps each other and does a wide variety of work, where everyone has their own area of responsibility and group of machinery, which they maintain. You can learn a lot about the operations and you can develop yourself.
I would to like to say thank you for this opportunity on board of Coral Lophelia.