Anthony Veder adds 4,500 cbm Ethylene carrier to their fleet
Rotterdam, 4 December 2020
Today Anthony Veder has taken delivery of Excalibur, a 4,500 cbm Ethylene carrier. The gas carrier will be delivered in the port of Rotterdam and renamed Coral Siderea and will be further strengthening the company’s fleet, comprising petrochemical and LNG carriers, to 34 vessels.
The vessel, previously owned by Mediterranea Di Navigazione Spa, is suitable for the carriage of all kinds of petrochemical gasses which offers the flexibility to employ Coral Siderea in the ethylene trade as well as in products such as propylene and Liquid Petrochemical Gas (LPG).
Jan Valkier, CEO of Anthony Veder says: “Acquiring this Ethylene carrier fits in our strategy to maintain and reinforce our position in shipping petrochemical gasses worldwide. I am proud that we took her over in our home port Rotterdam. This 2012 built vessel contributes to a rejuvenation of our fleet, which we rationalized during the past year by departing from ships over 25 years.”
Over the past few days, the crew received a familiarization and teambuilding program in Rotterdam, taking into account the COVID-19 measures. This gives them the opportunity to get acquainted with Anthony Veder’s safety culture, each other, and the vessel.

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Nynke de Bakker
Communications Manager
T: +31 10 400 4854
E: Communications Anthony Veder