Our history
The Anthony Veder Group was founded in 1937 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, as ship owner and port agent. In 1968, we started operating our first gas tankers. Nowadays we are involved in all segments of the liquified gas market.
Oranje lijn
At the age of 23 Anthony Veder and a number of relations incorporated the ‘N.V. Maatschappij Zeetransport’ in 1937. He was the predecessor of the shipping company that now bears his name.

At that time the company operated under the ‘Oranje Lijn’. The ships, named after members of the Dutch Royal Family, maintained a scheduled service between Rotterdam and Canada and the Great Lakes in the US.
After the Second World War the freight scheduled service was expanded to include a passenger service. The emergence of aviation and the competition in both freight and passenger transport, resulted in the decision to sell the Oranje Lijn in 1958.

Divers range of activities
Following the profitable sale of the Oranje Lijn, the company established the Anthony Verder Group on Curacao and founded in 1961 the Koraal Scheepvaart Maatschappij, a subsidiary specialized in refrigerated shipping. The vessels sailed under the Netherlands Antilles flag. They bore names which begin with Coral, followed by the name of a type of coral. To this day, we use this format for the naming of our ships.
Over the years, the number of refrigerated ships increased and expanded to container ships and gas tankers. The first gas tanker, Coral Maeandra, was added to the fleet in 1969 for transport of ammonia. Gradually a diverse range of additional activities were developed, such as port agents in Rotterdam and the Netherlands Antilles, Avis rent-a-car on Curacao and Bonaire and a travel agency with branches in Rotterdam, Amsterdam and the Netherlands Antilles.
When Anthony Veder died in 1967 the family continues the business. In 1991 they decided to sell the company to its current owners: a private family and the HAL investment company.